  • Xavier GonzalezXavier Gonzalez
  • Date:  2023-10-20

Behavioral Design Patterns in JavaScript


When it comes to writing clean and maintainable code in JavaScript, understanding design patterns is essential. In this post, we'll dive into behavioral design patterns in JavaScript. These patterns help you manage the communication between objects and the responsibilities of these objects, making your code more organized and easier to maintain.

What Are Behavioral Design Patterns?

Behavioral design patterns are a subset of design patterns that focus on how objects interact and communicate with each other. They define clear and efficient ways for objects to work together. In JavaScript, these patterns can help you solve common problems related to object collaboration and delegation.

In this post, we'll explore three popular behavioral design patterns:

  1. Observer Pattern: The Observer pattern allows you to define a subscription mechanism to notify multiple objects about changes in another object. It's commonly used for implementing event handling and data binding.

  2. State Pattern: The State pattern lets an object alter its behavior when its internal state changes. This pattern is useful when you have an object with multiple states, and you want to ensure it behaves correctly in each state.

  3. Strategy Pattern: The Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. It's helpful when you want to select an algorithm at runtime, based on specific conditions or requirements.

Examples with Code:

Let's dive into some code examples for each of these behavioral design patterns.

1. Observer Pattern:

class Subject {
	constructor() {
		this.observers = [];

	addObserver(observer) {

	notify(data) {
		this.observers.forEach((observer) => observer.update(data));

class Observer {
	update(data) {
		console.log(`Received data: ${data}`);

const subject = new Subject();
const observer1 = new Observer();
const observer2 = new Observer();


subject.notify("Hello, Observers!");

2. State Pattern:

class TrafficLight {
	constructor() {
		this.state = "red";

	changeState(newState) {
		this.state = newState;

	display() {
		console.log(`The traffic light is ${this.state}`);

const trafficLight = new TrafficLight();


3. Strategy Pattern:

class PaymentStrategy {
	pay(amount) {
		throw new Error("This method should be overridden by concrete strategies");

class CreditCardPayment extends PaymentStrategy {
	pay(amount) {
		console.log(`Paid $${amount} with Credit Card.`);

class PayPalPayment extends PaymentStrategy {
	pay(amount) {
		console.log(`Paid $${amount} with PayPal.`);

const payment = new CreditCardPayment();;

const payment2 = new PayPalPayment();;


Behavioral design patterns are powerful tools for structuring your JavaScript code in a way that promotes flexibility, maintainability, and reusability. By understanding and implementing these patterns, you can write more efficient and organized code that's easier to maintain as your projects grow.

In upcoming posts, we'll explore more design patterns and show you how to use them effectively in JavaScript. Stay tuned for more insights into the world of software design patterns!

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